Our company
About AAT​


AAT’s facilities handle various cargoes including import and export motor vehicles, general cargo and containers. A range of terminal services are offered at these facilities by AAT including crane hire, cargo recevial and delivery, short, medium and long term storage (by arrangement) and motor vehicles inspections.

AAT facilities have Approved Arrangements (AA) with the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment. These arrangements allow for AAT to manage biosecurity risks and provide a range of approved services including a full wash services via our Department approved wash bays, cargo inspections (vehicles/general cargo/containers), pack and unpack services and contamination treatment in accordance to department requirements.

AAT offers fully approved Australian Border Force (Customs) integrated systems and procedures for stevedores and their contracted shipping lines as well as access for approved users to AAT’s online portal for real-time cargo tracking information.

Our Services



AAT operates non-discriminatory facilities for any approved and licensed stevedores having a requirement to use AAT’s facilities. AAT is committed to, and meets all requirements for the Federal Maritime Security Regulations. Our scheduled rates are available for download in the Tariffs section on this website.

For operating information at specific terminals please select the location or locations of interest from within the AAT website. To find out more on any of our facilities, terminals or operating requirements please contact us with your specific requirements. Confidentiality is assured.

Cargo Assist

Please note that Cargo Assist is no longer available for Port Kembla and Fisherman Islands users. For Port Kembla and Fisherman Islands enquiries, please click on TOMP.